recipes: A package for computing and preprocessing design matrices.
The recipes
package can be used to create design matrices for modeling
and to conduct preprocessing of variables. It is meant to be a more
extensive framework that R's formula method. Some differences between
simple formula methods and recipes are that
Variables can have arbitrary roles in the analysis beyond predictors and outcomes.
A recipe consists of one or more steps that define actions on the variables.
Recipes can be defined sequentially using pipes as well as being modifiable and extensible.
Basic Functions
The three main functions are recipe()
, prep()
and bake()
defines the operations on the data and the associated
roles. Once the preprocessing steps are defined, any parameters are
estimated using prep()
. Once the data are ready for
transformation, the bake()
function applies the operations.
Step Functions
These functions are used to add new actions to the recipe and have the
naming convention "step_action"
. For example,
centers the data to have a zero mean and
is used to create dummy variables.
Maintainer: Max Kuhn max@posit.co
Hadley Wickham hadley@posit.co
Emil Hvitfeldt emil.hvitfeldt@posit.co
Other contributors:
Posit Software, PBC [copyright holder, funder]